White Horse Hotel _ Agatha Christie _ txt Novel Paradise

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White Horse Hotel _ Agatha Christie _ txt Novel Paradise

Cessa stepped back. Bella stepped forward and took out a cross. Cessa turned it upside down on Sybil's chest. Then Bella took out a small green bottle. Cessa poured a drop or two of liquid from the bottle on Sybil's forehead and drew something on it with her forefinger. I guess it's like an upside-down cross again. "It's holy water from Juthington Catholic Church," Sessa told me briefly. Her voice was very ordinary, as if it should spoil the atmosphere at this time, but in fact it did not, but it made people feel more surprising. Finally, she took out the rather horrible rattling thing we had seen last time, shook it three times, and put it in Sybil's palm. She stepped back and said, "Everything is ready." Bella repeated, "Everything is ready —" Sessa said to me in a deep voice, "I don't think you're impressed by these rituals, are you?"? That's the kind of customer we've had. I dare say that all this is just nonsense that makes no sense to you. But don't be too confident. Ritual, the pattern of speech created by time and habit, does have some effect on the human spirit. Why do so many people fall into collective hysteria? We don't know what the reason is yet, but it does exist. I believe that this custom handed down from ancient times naturally has its indispensable position. Bella had gone out, and now she was back,Plastic Spray Bottles Wholesale, holding a white rooster, and the rooster was still alive, struggling to be free. She knelt on the ground with white chalk, drew some symbols around the charcoal basin and the copper basin, and then put the cock's mouth on the white line beside the copper basin, so the cock did not move. She continued to draw some symbols on the ground,glass cream jars, singing something in a rough and deep voice as she drew. I could not understand the words she was singing, but it was obvious that she was showing a kind of obscene ecstasy. Sessa looked at me and said, "You don't like these, do you?"? But these are old rituals. You know, really, really old. It's a death spell caused by an old secret recipe passed down from mother to daughter from generation to generation. I didn't quite understand what Sessa meant, but she didn't emphasize it further, because Bella's rather terrible performance might have achieved the effect she wanted. She clearly intended to play the role of expositor. Bella reached into the charcoal basin. A flickering flame rose from the basin. She threw something on the fire, and the room was filled with a thick, cloying fragrance. We're ready. Said Sessa. I think the surgeon is going to pick up his scalpel.. She walked up to what I thought was a record player stand, and when I opened it, Blue Bottle Serum ,Foam Pump Bottles Wholesale, I saw that it was a large complex electrical device. The appliance moved like a tram, and she pushed it slowly and carefully to the side of the couch. She leaned over to adjust the controller and muttered to herself, "Compass, North, West.." Degree. Ok She picked up the gloves, put them in a special position, and turned on a small purple light next to them. Then he said to the man in the couch: Sybil Diana Heron, you are out of your mortal body, and the ghost Marchant will guard you carefully. You are now with the owner of this glove, who, like all humans, has the purpose of this life to die. Only by dying can we get the final satisfaction. Only death can solve all problems, only death can bring true peace to people, and all great men understand this. Don't forget, Macbeth said that only death can make people rest forever. And don't forget the ecstasy of Tristan and Issode, love and death, love and death, but the greatest thing is death.. The words flowed out, echoing and repeating — the big box-like machine began to hum, and the lights on it flashed — and I felt a little dizzy, and my mind was carried far away. At this time, I felt that I could no longer laugh at anything. The power of Thessa was controlling the people on the couch. She was using her, using her for some purpose. I had a vague idea why Mrs. Oliver was afraid. She wasn't afraid of Thessa, she was afraid of Sybil, who looked silly. Sybil had mana, a gift of mana that had nothing to do with brains or intelligence. It was a physical ability to take herself out of her body. And the mind that left her body no longer belonged to her, but to Sasha. Now, Sessa is using this thing that belongs to her for a while. Yeah, but what about the box? How did that box come about? All of a sudden, the object of my fear moved to that box! What strange effect does its owner want to use it to perform? Is there a kind of radiation from the body that can act on brain cells? Especially for a particular brain? Sessa's voice said again: "Weakness.." There must be a weakness.. Everyone has a weakness.. In the deepest part of the muscle tissue.. To produce strength from weakness-the strength to die safely.. Go to death-go to death slowly and naturally-in a real way, in a natural way. The tissues of the body must follow the instructions of the brain.. Order them-order them.. Go to death.. Death, conqueror.. Death. Very soon Very soon Very fast. Death. Death. Death! Her voice rose like a cry. Bella made another terrible animal noise. She stood up and the knife was shining. The cockerel let out a gurgling sound of terror as if it were suffocating. Blood dripped into the copper basin. Bella ran over and held the basin out in front of her. She screamed: "Blood.." Blood. Blood! Sessa swept the glove off the machine and dropped it on the ground. Bella picked it up, dipped it in blood, and returned it to Sessa, who put it back on the big box. Bella's shrill cry of excitement rang out again. "Blood.." Blood. Blood! She ran round and round the charcoal basin, then fell convulsively to the ground. The fire in the charcoal basin flashed and then went out. I felt very uncomfortable,30ml Dropper Bottle, I couldn't see anything, I grabbed the armrest of the chair, and my whole head seemed to be spinning. I heard a click and the low hum of the machine stopped. penghuangbottle.com
