Job Search Techniques: Is Your Job Search Targeted?

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Many people are looking for work. Many of them apply for any job they can find. But is it any way to look for a job? It's definitely a less efficient way of looking for a job.

As job boards proliferate and every company in the world starts to say "apply online", companies are inundated with tons of resumes to sift through. And if everyone is applying for a job—any job—many of those resumes submitted online are just another resume. 

Study after study shows that a job search technique that consists of sending resumes to online job posting sites is not the best job search technique.

So how do you get your resume to the top of the stack? The key is to stand out. Fewer people apply by mail. So do it.

Job Search Tip #1: Apply to fewer jobs, but target them carefully. Your goal is to be an expert, the right kind of expert for the job. Spend more time finding the right job and bdjobstoday less time applying for every job. 

You really want to find a position for which you have a critical advantage. It can be a special area of ​​expertise or a special area of ​​industry knowledge. An example of this would be an accountant who has a background in the medical industry. Or an engineer who has specialized knowledge in antenna design.

Tip #2: Be willing to adapt to the market and change your degree and career path. Times have changed since the last time you looked for a job, even if it was 2 years ago. Job titles may have changed as well as the division of responsibilities. You can't be stuck in the past, even if the title of your last job was more desirable or prestigious
